West Newbury Democrats to elect 2021 MassDems Convention Delegates on July 7, 2021
All registered Democrats in West Newbury are invited to participate in the West Newbury Democratic caucus on July 7, 2021 at 7:00 pm. The caucus will be held via a Zoom virtual meeting to elect two delegates and one alternate delegate to the 2021 Massachusetts Democratic State Convention. The convention will be held on Saturday, September 25, 2021 at the Tsongas Arena in Lowell. Delegates and alternates may choose to attend the convention in person or virtually.
This year's convention will focus on discussing and approving the MassDems party platform for the coming four years. More information on the platform convention can be found on the MassDems 2021 Party Platform Convention page. We expect an exciting convention with candidates for 2022 state-wide races attending to engage with supporters and share their positions on issues critical to Massachusetts voters.
The West Newbury caucus is open to West Newbury voters who are registered Democrats. Any eligible West Newbury Democrat may run for delegate or alternate. The caucus will start promptly at 7:00 pm with the reading of caucus rules and announcements from the MA Democratic State Committee. Election of delegates will begin at 7:15 pm. You must arrive by 7:15 pm to participate either as a voter or candidate.
The virtual meeting will be hosted on Zoom and will open for registration at 6:30 pm.
For more information on the caucus, please contact Jim Sperelakis via email ([email protected]) or by phone at 978-479-6372.
This year's convention will focus on discussing and approving the MassDems party platform for the coming four years. More information on the platform convention can be found on the MassDems 2021 Party Platform Convention page. We expect an exciting convention with candidates for 2022 state-wide races attending to engage with supporters and share their positions on issues critical to Massachusetts voters.
The West Newbury caucus is open to West Newbury voters who are registered Democrats. Any eligible West Newbury Democrat may run for delegate or alternate. The caucus will start promptly at 7:00 pm with the reading of caucus rules and announcements from the MA Democratic State Committee. Election of delegates will begin at 7:15 pm. You must arrive by 7:15 pm to participate either as a voter or candidate.
The virtual meeting will be hosted on Zoom and will open for registration at 6:30 pm.
For more information on the caucus, please contact Jim Sperelakis via email ([email protected]) or by phone at 978-479-6372.